Page 112 - Midas Touch
P. 112

In  one  early  season  during  a  boardroom  meeting,  a  conflict  between
                several  players  came  up  that  required  me  to  ask  the  already-dismissed
                team to return to the boardroom. Quite honestly, I can’t remember what it
                was, but it was something we couldn’t leave just hanging out there. We

                had to clear up the issue, which took several hours to sort out. Of course, it
                was edited for television to just a few minutes, but it was a long process.
                There was no way we could have moved forward without solving the issue,
                so we took the time. I would have preferred to go home and have dinner,
                but there’s no way I could have ignored the situation. There we were for
                hours, sorting through the mess, the crew as well as everyone else, just
                doing  their  jobs  and  remaining  tuned  in.  Everything  we  do  we  do  with

                care,  with  an  understanding  that  the  show  must  be  entertaining  while
                remaining true to itself and its purpose. What many critics fail to realize is
                that there is an educational subtext to our show, which gives it a resonance
                lacking in many other reality shows. Education is and remains a vital tenet
                of the show, and we receive many letters from schools who use the show as
                a business class tool.

                Man on a Mission
                People often ask me if I had a mission in mind when I began The Trump
                Organization. I don’t know if I would have called it a mission at that point,
                but I knew I wanted a sound base from which to operate. I knew it would
                be an important aspect of my success, as it would enable me to work as

                effectively as possible. In the early days, if I had had a mission statement,
                it would have been concise: “To be the best—in every way.” That includes
                my  buildings,  my  television  shows,  my  golf  courses,  everything.  It  has
                been my personal goal, my focus, and it requires daily application.

                Just as having a firm foundation for your brand is important, and a mission
                statement helps, having the best people surrounding your brand is just as
                important. When Robert talks about his partners, I think of my employees

                as  well  as  my  business  partners  and  how  they  have  helped  the  Trump
                brand become synonymous with the best.

                Over  the  years,  I’ve  discovered  that  for  a  brand  to  build,  the  people
                surrounding it have to work exceptionally well together. Longevity doesn’t
                hurt,  either.  I’ve  had  people  who  have  been  with  me  for  30  years.  My
                organization became larger as my brand expanded, and despite my fame
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