Page 204 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
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                   Adaptation/flexibility, 99–100, 106–110  Asprey, 67, 112
                   Advisors, 170                   Atlantic City, 111, 177
                   Anxiety, 143–144
                   Apprentice, The:                Barry, Maryanne Trump, 68
                     candidate, charity video for former, 67  Baudreau, Brian, 22
                     candidate fired on show but hired by  Beauty, surrounding yourself with, 55–58
                        Trump, 49                  Bedminster, New Jersey, Trump National
                     candidate who thought her beauty a  Golf Club, 25, 177
                        liability, 57              Beethoven manuscript, 137
                     creator (Mark Burnett), 24, 41, 61, 70,  Belasco, David, 115
                        93, 109, 112, 168          Bellino, Ricardo, 114–115
                     Emmy Awards show, 108         Bienstock, Jay, 90
                     Excel team versus Capital Edge team,  Big picture, seeing, 98–101
                        171–172                    Bocelli, Andrea, 111
                     executive producer, 90        Books:
                     qualities of successful candidates, 64–65,  recommended, 181–182
                        116, 142–143, 147           Trump Organization, 178
                     season based on experience versus  Brazil, 114–115
                        education, 37              Burnett, Mark, 24, 41, 61, 70, 90, 93, 109,
                     shooting/casting calls, 23, 24, 46, 48, 90,  112, 168
                        112                        Business:
                     Trump’s role in development/creation  evolution of organizations, 73, 100
                        of, 77, 88, 95, 151–152     orchestra/maestro analogy, 125
                     Trump staff appearing on, 22, 49, 67, 92  paying attention to, 141–143
                     “You’re Fired” Newsweek cover, 32, 33  as relay race, 116

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