Page 206 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
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                   Foerderer, Norma, 48            Jersey City, Trump Plaza, 11–13,
                   Food and restaurants, Trump     John, Elton, 22, 113, 133
                      Organization’s, 47, 68, 179
                   Ford, Henry, 66, 141, 143       Kiyosaki, Kim, 47, 91, 182
                   40 Wall Street, 19–20, 27–30, 59–60,  Kiyosaki, Robert, 47, 91, 182
                      98–99, 175                   Knowledge, gaining, 26–31, 65–66, 97
                   Fragrance for men, 91, 178
                   Franklin, Benjamin, 86          Larry King, 24, 154
                   Friends, working with, 74       Las Vegas, Trump International Hotel &
                   Frishman, Rick, 182                Tower, 22–23,
                   Future developments, Trump      Lauder, William, 91
                      Organization, 176            Layoffs, 36
                   Gates, Bill, 168                 assembling teams, 74
                   Glosser, Cathy, 23–24, 91, 155   Napoleon on, 66
                   Goldwyn, Samuel, 120             orchestra/maestro analogy, 125
                   Golf:                            qualities, 101
                     as common bond, 51, 53         setting tempo, 125–128
                     courses, 3, 15, 24, 25, 29, 43, 46, 68, 92,  top-down radiation of energy/attitude,
                        177                             7–8
                     story of career change to golf industry,  Learning:
                        81–82                       by doing, 37–40
                     Trump’s love for, 3, 15, 27, 43, 133  life as series of discoveries, 149–152
                   “Good enough,” 83                new projects as adventures in, 94–97
         , travel agency, 95, 179  Learning Annex, 21, 24, 47
                   Graff, Rhona, 22, 25, 49, 67, 69, 90, 92,  Lechter, Sharon, 47, 91, 182
                      112, 113                     Lefrak Organization, 92
                   Grand Hyatt Hotel (Commodore Hotel)  Lembcke, Berndt, 22, 68
                      project, 38, 87, 163         Liability, assessing greatest downside,
                   Greenblatt, Jason, 23, 72, 112     20
                   Gut/instincts, trusting, 41–45, 169–170  Litinsky, Andy, 49
                                                   Lokey, Michelle, 49, 67
                   Habits, examining your, 131–132  Lombardi, Vince, 181
                   Hemingway, Ernest, 146          Lorber, Howard, 25
                   Hewitt, Andrew, 1               Los Angeles properties, 175, 177
                   Hewitt, Les, 1                  Loving what you do, 1–5, 15, 83
                   Higher self, 167–170            Luck, 16
                   Hinneberg family, 59–60         Lundgren, Terry, 46, 111
                   Hiring employees, 71–75
                                                   Mar-a-Lago, 22, 46, 56, 68, 113, 134
                   Iacocca, Lee, 182               MBA, maximizing, 31
                   Ignorance, 30                   McConney, Jeff, 23, 111
                   Imus, Don, 153                  McIver, Meredith, 46, 181
                   Inertia, 160–161                Media training, 66
                   Information/knowledge, gaining to your  Megu restaurant, 47, 112
                      advantage, 26–31, 65–66, 97  Menswear, 91, 95, 96, 178
                   Inspiration, 15                 Merchandise, Trump Organization’s, 91,
                   Instincts, trusting, 41–45, 169–170  95, 96, 178
                   Intrinsic values, 151           Michelangelo, 18–19, 146–147
                                                   Miss USA, 46
                   James, Susan, 48                Mistakes, allowing, 169
                   Jargon, 117–118                 Mogull, Kim, 47
                   Jean Georges restaurant, 91     Momentum, 105, 159–162

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