Page 207 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 207
Money as scorecard versus final score, 84–89 firing employees, 32–36, 83
Mortgage, Trump, 69–70, hiring employees, 71–75
Mullally, Megan, 108 managing broken teams, short of firing,
Multitasking, 69 110
managing people you don’t like, 75
Negotiating, 59–63, 103–104 rewarding people who help you succeed,
Nelson, Nathan, 49 124
New Jersey, 11–13, 25, 111 Persistence/diligence, 16–21, 68, 145–148
New York properties: Personalizing your pitch, 50–54
complete list, 175 Persuasion, 60–62
40 Wall Street, 19–20, 27–30, 59–60, Philbin, Regis, 46
98–99 Picasso, Pablo, 135, 137, 168
Trump International Hotel & Tower, Pienkos, Tom, 69
48, 67 Planning, 20
Trump Place, 17–18, 175 Plestis, Craig, 111
Trump Tower, Manhattan: Positive thinking, 76–80
Asprey, 67, 112 Preparation, 52, 65–66
escalators, 68 negotiation and, 62
events at, 24, 46 Problems, handling, 141–143, 163–166, 170
marble, 136, 137 Property portfolio, Trump Organization’s,
Tiffany Tower (original name 175–176
planned), 106–107 Public speaking, 52–54, 147
Trump explaining vision to his father,
6–7 Quality, high standards and, 6–10,
Trump Grill, 47, 68 138–139
waterfall, 7 Questions from readers of Trump
Trump Tower, Westchester, New York, 175 University blog:
Trump World Tower (UN Plaza), 47, anxiety, 143–154
90, 112, 117, 120–121, 130 change, resistance to, 5
Wollman Rink in Central Park, 9 cold calling, 80
New York State Park, land donated for, 24 debt and getting focus back, 162
Nguyen, Thuy, 111, 113 family business, 63
Novak, William, 182 inspiration, after solid achievement, 15
instincts, developing, 45
Openness to new ideas/information, jargon, 117–118
95–97, 106–110 layoffs, 36
Oprah, 90 leadership qualities, 101
Orchestra/maestro analogy, 125 MBA, maximizing, 31
Organizations, evolution of, 73, 100 people management, 75, 110
real estate, residential/commercial, 40
Panama Ocean Club, 23, 91 sales force, 173
Passion/loving your work, 1–5, 15, 83 small business, most important
Path(s): considerations, 54
allowing employees to take their own, 129 stress, dealing with, 84
creating new, 149
following your own, 151 Reaching within to rise above, 167–170
Patience, 39, 102–105 Real estate, residential/commercial, 40
Payoff, 86–88 Realistic, being, 78, 167–170
Peale, Norman Vincent, 181 Relatives, working with, 74
Perfection, 136 Relay race, business as, 116
People management: Responsibility, taking, 141–143
allowing employees to take their own Restaurants, Trump Organization’s, 47, 68,
paths, 129 179