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               Business (Continued)            Daniel restaurant, 111
                 small (five most important    Deadlines, giving yourself, 115, 144
                    considerations), 54        Debt:
                 top-down radiation of energy/attitude,  advice for dealing with, 162
                    7–8                          Trump’s financial troubles (early 1990s),
                 unending pressures of, 145–147     122–123, 165, 167–168
                                               Decision making, 170
               Calamari, Matthew, 25, 72, 112  DeGeneres, Ellen, 24, 154
               Camus, Albert, 168              Devine, Chris, 47, 92, 112
               Canouan Island, the Grenadines, 111, 112  Diamond, Bernie, 23, 67, 72, 92, 155
               Casino resorts, 111, 177        Diaz, Eddie, 113
               Challenging yourself, 39–40, 119–124,  Discoveries, life as series of, 149–152
                   137–138                     Distractions, eliminating, 143
               Change:                         Diversity, increasing, 73
                 adapting to, 99–100           Doing, learning by, 37–40
                 necessity of, 44              Donovan, Mike, 22, 111
                 resistance to, 5              Douglas, Michael, 92
               Charging what you’re worth, 88  Dowd, Jim, 49, 111
               Chicago, Trump International Hotel &  Downing, Tom, 67
                   Tower, 23, 46, 89           Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 23, 46, 121
               Cinque, Joe, 68
               Clothing line, Signature Collection, 91,  Edison, Thomas, 132, 169
                   95, 96, 178                 Education versus experience, season of The
               Cold calling, 80                   Apprentice based on, 37
               Comfort zone, 82–83, 107–109, 110  Einstein, Albert, 14, 149
               Commercial versus residential real estate,  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 149
                   40                          Emmy Awards show, 108
               Commodore Hotel (Grand Hyatt Hotel)  Energy, harnessing, 161–162
                   project, 38, 87, 163        Entertainment projects, Trump
               Common interests, 51, 53–54        Organization’s, 177
               Compensation, 124               Expectations:
               Competing with yourself, 39–40, 119–124,  others’ of you, 83
                   137–138                       yours of yourself, 61
               Confidence, 119, 124, 156–158   Experience, learning by, 37–40
               Cooper, Ashley, 25, 111
               Courage, 19–20, 39, 145–148     Failure, fear of, 39–40
               Couric, Katie (charity event), 22  Family businesses, 63
               Creativity, 18–19, 129          Family tradition, bucking, 81–82
               Credit Suisse, 69               Feelings/gut/instincts, trusting, 41–45,
               Cremer, Jill, 23, 111, 155         169–170
                                               Files, making, 31
               d’Abadie, Luc, 1–2              Financial cushion, 20
               Daily notes, Trump’s (typical business  Financial troubles (early 1990s), 122–123,
                   week, March 13–22, 2006):      165, 167–168
                 Monday, 22–25                 Firing employees, 32–36, 83
                 Tuesday, 46–49                Flexibility, 106–110
                 Wednesday, 67–70              Florida properties, 176, 177
                 Thursday, 90–93               Florio, Steven, 91
                 Friday, 111–113               Focus:
                 Saturday, 133–134               maintaining (keeping your mind in the
                 Monday, 153                        game), 140–144
                 Tuesday, 154                    on what matters most (target versus
                 Wednesday, 155                     weapon), 171–173

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