Page 208 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
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Results versus routes, 129–134 Thinking:
Rewarding people who help you succeed, big, 11–15, 151
124 positive, 76–80
Risks, taking, 37–40, 83 on your feet, 64–66
Ross, George, 46, 67, 90, 112 for yourself, 151–152
Rowntree, Andi, 46 Tiffany Tower (original name planned for
Ruffin, Phil, 23 Trump Tower), 106–107
Timepieces, 178
Sacher, Eric, 23, 111 Time Warner, 47
Sales force, coaching, 173 Timing:
Saturday Night Live, 122 choosing right opportunities, 102–105
Savonarola, Girolamo, 147 implementing parts of expanded vision
Scale, Trump, 11–15, 151 and postponing rest, 15
Schiller, Keith, 24, 113 tempo/speed, 72, 114–118, 125–128
Schragis, Steven, 182 Travel agency,, 95, 179
Schwartz, Tony, 181 Trump, Barron William, 20–21, 153, 154,
Scotland, 68, 111 155
Scotto, Rosanna, 23 Trump, Don, Jr., 23, 46–47, 68, 91
September 11, 2001, 141 Trump, Donald J.:
Setting example, 73 Apprentice, The, role in development/
Setting high standards, 6–10, 138–139 creation of, 77, 88, 95, 151–152
Sexton, Michael, 46 (see also The Apprentice)
Shugart, Paula, 46 brashness, 161
Signature Collection, 91, 95, 96, 178 as a child, 48
Sinclair, Sharon, 48 in college, 27
Skating rinks, 9, 177 at Emmy Awards, 108
Small, starting (but thinking big), 13–14 family:
Small business, five most important children, 47, 74, 91 (see also Trump,
considerations, 54 Barron William; Trump, Don,
Sparks Steakhouse, 91 Jr.; Trump, Eric; Trump, Ivanka)
Speaking, public, 52–54, 147 parents, 6, 68, 69, 111
Speed/tempo, 72, 114–118, 127–128 sister, 69
Standards, setting high, 6–10, 138–139 wife (see Trump, Melania)
Steinbrenner, George, 24, 112 financial troubles, 122–123, 165,
Stellio, Vinnie, 69 167–168
Stoeltzing, Hildegard, 48 first big deal (Commodore Hotel
Stress, dealing with, 84 project), 38, 87, 163
Striving to do more, 39–40, 119–124, first successful real estate deal, 27
137–138 golf, love of, 3, 15, 27, 43, 133
Style/substance, 56, 172–173 mail/letters received, 25, 48–49, 93, 112
Success with significance, 107 Manhattan as early goal, 6
Swimming against the tide, 81–84 negotiations for buying 40 Wall Street,
Taj Mahal, Atlantic City, 111 passion for his work, 1–5
Talesnik, Sonja, 47, 112 public speaking, 21, 50–54, 69
Team(s): on success with significance, 107
assembling, 74 on success with style, 55–58
managing broken teams, short of firing, week of son’s birth, daily notes:
110 Monday, 22–25
skills, 142–143 Tuesday, 46–49
Tempo/speed, 72, 114–118, 125–128 Wednesday, 67–70
Tenacity/persistence, 16–21, 68, 145–148 Thursday, 90–93
Tennis, timing in, 102–103 Friday, 111–113