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                       D O N’ T WA S T E Y O U R L I F E

                     O N W O R K Y O U D O N’ T L O V E

                           Passion     wil l  help   you   do   be t te r

                     love real estate, making deals, building great projects, and host-
                   Iing The Apprentice. Who wouldn’t? My work puts me in touch
                   with the most interesting and accomplished people. Since I love
                   what I do, I do it vigorously and I do it better. Because I inject it
                   with enthusiasm and passion, it doesn’t feel like work. My passion
                   spills over to everyone around me and motivates them to do their
                   very best.
                       Luc d’Abadie, co-author with Les Hewitt and Andrew Hewitt
                   of The Power of Focus for College Students (HCI, 2005), says:

                     Somewhere between childhood and the real world one of two
                     things happen, either you start to follow the dreams of your par-
                     ents, your neighbor, or someone else, or you get caught up in

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