Page 59 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 59

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

               minimize the dangers and know exactly how much you could
               lose. Frequently, the risk will be well worth the gamble, but
               sometimes it will be more than you can afford.
                   Most things take on new dimensions when you actually do
               them. Golf can seem easy and effortless until you try it. Suddenly,
               you see how hard it can be.
                   Don’t underestimate anything until you try it. The pros make
               difficult maneuvers look easy because they’ve spent thousands of
               hours perfecting them. You probably haven’t seen them practic-
               ing, but they constantly work to hone their craft and improve
               their art. Then, they go out and perform.

                         I N S I S T  O N P E R F E C T I O N

                           When I was interested in acquiring the
                  Commodore Hotel near Grand Central Station, a friend
                  told the press that my idea was like “fighting for a seat on
                  the Titanic.” On paper, the odds were stacked against me,
                  and the project seemed to be an enormous risk. But I had a
                  vision and a plan that I knew would work.
                    So I jumped into the fray and put a complex project
                  together. I built the Grand Hyatt Hotel, which not only
                  became a huge success but also sparked redevelopment of
                  the dilapidated area around Grand Central Station.
                    On that project, I learned by doing. I must admit that
                  all the doubters who complained about how crummy the
                  area had become motivated me to change it. My response
                  was, “I’m going to do it and make it work instead of just
                  finding fault.”

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