Page 54 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
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Fired workers can become hostile, as can their friends who
                   may still work for you.
                       Firing an employee can leave your business in a hole; that’s
                   why so many companies hang on to less-than-desirable workers.
                   To replace an employee, you have to go through the entire costly
                   and time-consuming hiring process again. But frequently, you
                   have no choice. If your business is to move forward, unproductive
                   people must go.
                       Businesses are complex organizations that depend on many
                   people to perform. When a link in the chain malfunctions or
                   doesn’t satisfactorily perform, the entire organization suffers
                   and goals may not be met, so you may have to eliminate the
                   weak link.

                       Firing can be an essential and a responsible business decision.
                       It isn’t pleasant, but lopping off a branch can save the tree.

                                                            —Donald J. Trump

                                   PLAY BY THE BOOK

                   Firing workers involves a major risk, so don’t do it without appro-
                   priate consideration. Fired employees often become disgruntled
                   and sue their ex-employers—some have received outrageously
                   high damage awards.
                       Protect yourself by developing rules that govern why and how
                   you may fire employees and then follow these rules to the letter.
                   Consult an employment law attorney and have him or her write
                   or review your firing rules and procedures. Think of it as an
                   investment that will be well worth the cost. Just one lawsuit, even

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