Page 58 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
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                                T H E P R O O F I S I N

                                      T H E D O I N G

                          Lea r n   b y  doing   a nd   taking     r isk s

                      ome people are book smart but are clueless when dealing with
                   Sthe real world. Others are street smart but can’t handle any-
                   thing other than what they’re used to. We based a season of The
                   Apprentice on pitting highly educated candidates against those
                   who had less formal schooling. When we examined how both
                   teams performed, we found that the key to success was experi-
                   ence, not education. Experience comes from action, or doing, and
                   entails taking risks. Knowledge is essential, but knowledge alone
                   isn’t enough. You must act on your knowledge—put it to work—
                   because doing is how you learn and ultimately prove yourself.
                       Lord knows I’ve taken lots of risks and not all of them were
                   rousing successes. Few things worth doing are risk free, so
                   prepare to take risks. Don’t always play it safe, but do try to

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