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W H E R E T H E R E ’ S A W I L L ,  T H E R E ’ S A W I N

                       When The Apprentice aired and immediately became a smash
                   hit, I had over 30 years of experience to draw from for those
                   boardroom scenes. It wasn’t just a fluke or something new to me
                   that I had to learn or fake. I knew what I was doing. Although I
                   was new to television, the rest wasn’t new to me; I had been mak-
                   ing high-level executive decisions for more than 30 years.
                       Business is business, whether it’s filmed or not. My business
                   credentials and experience were the back-story for a television
                   show based on a high-stakes New York corporation.
                       Thinking positively was important in my decision to make
                   The Apprentice.When I was approached, I knew that doing the
                   show could be risky, but I was positive that it would succeed. Had
                   I chosen to listen to the arguments like “Most new television
                   shows fail,” “reality television is on the way out,” and “you’ll lose
                   your credibility,” I never would have done the show.
                       Instead, I asked myself positive questions:

                       • What if the show was a success?

                       • What if I enjoyed it?
                       • What if it proved to be enlightening?

                       • What if it brought The Trump Organization the recogni-
                         tion it deserved?
                       • What if the program proved to be a valuable stepping-
                         stone to deserving candidates?

                       • What if the show helped the audience?

                   My long list of positives swamped the negatives.

                           Let the positive prevail by being positively persistent.

                                                            —Donald J. Trump

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