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P. 99

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

                                    BE REALISTIC

               I define myself as being cautiously positive. People who say,
               “You can do anything you want” are simply unrealistic. Some
               things are just not possible. For example, if I thought that today I
               could become an Olympic gold-medal swimmer, I’d need a shrink
               more than a swimming coach. No matter how many lessons I
               take, how hard I train, and how many steroids I consume, it won’t
               happen, ever!
                   We all encounter roadblocks, obstacles that block our prog-
               ress. But when we do, we have options if we remain positive. We
               can walk away, climb over, go under, or around them. We can also
               break through obstacles or have them demolished.

                                   M A K E I T H A P P E N I N Y O U R L I F E

                  Make it a point to:

                  • Be positive every day. If you’re not, no one will think you
                     can succeed.

                  • Believe in yourself, exude confidence, and get in your
                     competitors’ way. Project yourself into their picture and
                     upset their status quo.

                  • Break loose from your comfort zone by moving forward
                     with the power and momentum that positive thinking
                  • Zap negative thoughts and replace them with positive
                     ones. Whatever energy you expend will build the positive
                     stamina that is vital for success.

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