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Trump’s Time                                        CULTURE                                    23

          Portrait of actor Tyrone Power playing on the grass with his young daughters Romina (right) and Taryn, circa
          1955. (Photo by Keystone Features/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

                     Tyrone Power's daughter says '30s

                   Hollywood idol was a devoted father

                      before his tragic death: 'I felt safe'

                                       By Stephanie Nolasco | Fox News

           Tyrone  Power's  daughter          and the smell of Coppertone         nursery,” she said.
          Taryn  Power  still  has  vivid     suntan lotion.”
          memories  of  the  classic                                                According  to  the  outlet,
          Hollywood  idol  nearly  62           “I remember the feeling of        Power's second wife, Linda
          years after his death.              holding  on  to  someone  I         Christian, whom he married
                                              really  trusted,”  she  said.  “I   in  1949,  miscarried  twice
           “I  have  this  memory  of         felt safe.”                         before  giving  birth  to
          hanging on his back in the                                              Romina in 1951 and Taryn in
          swimming pool,” the actor's           Power, a sought-after star        1953. While Power doted on
          youngest  daughter  told            in  the  '30s  and  '40s,  was      his  daughters,  he  also
          Closer  Weekly  for  this           also  a  devoted  father,  his      longed for a son.
          week's  issue  currently  on        oldest  daughter,  Romina
          newsstands.                         Power, insisted.                      Christian  and  Power
                                                                                  ultimately  called  it  quits  in
           The  actress,  66,  also             “When he came home he             1956.  Two  years  later,  he
          recalled “laughter, sunshine        would come straight to my           married  Deborah  Ann
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