Page 21 - Trump’s Time №1
P. 21

Trump’s Time                                            FAMILY                                 21

             Barron Trump has a               creative, if you say to a child     the past.
                creative spark                no, no, no, where does the
                                              creativity go?"                       And interestingly enough,
           What  might  not  be                                                   the  Trump  family's  former
          immediately  obvious  about           How  cute  —  it's  clear         butler,  Tony  Senecal,
          Barron Trump is his creative        B a r r o n   w a s   a   v e r y    shares her take.
          streak,  a  trait  First  Lady      imaginative tyke.
          Melania Trump revealed in                                                 Senecal  explained  that
          a  chat  with  Parenting              Of  course,  it's  fair  to       while he has a fondness for
          magazine in 2012.                   reason  Barron's  free  reign       all  of  Donald's  five  kids,
                                              over  his  playroom  had            Barron is the most like his
           Melania  shared  a  sweet          something  to  do  with  his        famous dad.
          anecdote  to  illustrate  her       artistic flair.
          c l a i m ,   r e c a l l i n g   a n                                     Want some proof?
          especially  impressive                Not many kids are allowed
          moment  of  free  play  when        to  draw  on  their  playroom         Look  no  further  than
          Barron was young.                   walls, after all.                   Senecal's anecdote about a
                                                                                  conversation he had with a
           "His  imagination  is                                                  then 2-year-old Barron.
          growing  and  important,"            Donald Trump's former
          Melania said at the time (via          butler think's Barron              "When Baron was two and
          Redbook).                            Trump is a mini-version            a  half  years  old  I  took  his
                                                       of his dad                 breakfast into him," the ex-
           "He draws on the walls in                                              butler recalled, according to
          his playroom, we can paint it         It's  no  secret  First  Lady     Inside  Edition.  "He  was
          over.  One  day  he  was            Melania  Trump  thinks              sitting  in  his  highchair  and
          playing bakery and he wrote         Barron takes after his dad,         he looks at me and he said:
          Barron's Bakery on the wall         President Donald Trump, as          'Tony! Sit down! We need to
          with  crayons.  He  is  very        she has openly stated so in         talk!'"
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