Page 19 - Trump’s Time №1
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Trump’s Time                                            FAMILY                                 19

          have  a  second  stable             Melania Trump  said  of  her          “He's  not  a  sweatpants
          genius on our hands.                Caviar  Complex  C6  skin           child,"  Melania Trump  said
                                              care  line.  "I  put  it  on  him   while  discussing  her  son
           Barron is the first child of a     from head to toe. He likes it.”     with ABC News in 2013. "He
          sitting  president  to  attend                                          doesn't  mind  putting  on  [a
          St.  Andrew's,  though  the           Unfortunately  for  the  two      suit]-but not every day- and
          school  does  claim  other          of  them,  this  tradition  may     he likes to dress up in a tie
          famous  alumni,  like  eBay         have  been  short-lived;            sometimes like Daddy." But
          founder  Pierre  Omidyar.           according  to  Racked,              that's not to say that Barron
          Maybe  if  Barron  plays  his       Melania's skin care line fell       doesn't like a little comfort.
          cards right, he might end up        apart  shortly  after  its  high-   In fact, he sometimes pairs
          rich like that guy some day.        profile launch.                     his prep school uniform with
                                                                                  customized  New  Balance
                                                                                  sneakers  that  reportedly
          Only the finest products             You won't catch Barron             cost  $149,  according  to
            touch Barron Trump's                    Trump wearing                 Footwear  News.  Yep,  you
                      skin                            sweatpants                  read that right. The Trumps
                                                                                  pay  $149  for  Barron's
           If you needed further proof          As one might expect from          sneakers  and  something
          that Barron Trump isn't your        someone born into a billion-        called  Footwear  News
          typical kid, try this one on for    dollar  business  family,           actually exists in reality.
          size:  in  2013,  his  mother       Barron  Trump  has  been
          admitted to ABC News that,          dressing for success pretty
          at the time, she applied her        much his entire life. He even           Melania Trump calls
          own  line  of  caviar-infused       wore a suit to the launch of            Barron Trump 'mini
          moisturizer to his skin after       his  half-sister  Ivanka                       Donald’
          he took his his nightly bath.       Trump's book when he was
                                              only three and a half years           Given  that  he  loves  to
            "It smells very, very fresh,"     old.                                wear  suits  and  moisturize
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