Page 22 - Trump’s Time №1
P. 22

22                      FAMILY                                  Trump’s Time

           Holy  moly!  Although  we          another  reported  450  lung        involved."
          can't  say  whether  this           illnesses  seemingly  red  to
          account is true, we can't say       the product.                          Then  without  mentioning
          it's too hard to imagine. And                                           h i s   n a m e ,   T r u m p
          who knows, maybe Barron               Earlier  that  week,  First       specifically  mentioned
          will  be  shouting  his  dad's      Lady  Melania  Trump                Baron  Trump,  he  and
          famous  "You're  fired!"  line      tweeted  that  she  was             Melania's 13-year-old son in
          around one day. Never say           "deeply  concerned  about           peculiar way.
          never.                              the  growing  epidemic"  of
                                              vape  use  by  teens  and             "She's got a son, together,
                                              children.                           that  is  a  beautiful  young
            Did Barron Trump get                                                  man,  and  she  feels  very,
          flavored e-cigs banned?               “We need to do all we can         very strongly about it.”
                                              to  protect  the  public  from
           On  Sep.  11,  2019,               tobacco-related  disease              This  led  many  Twitter
          P r e s i d e n t   T r u m p       and  death,  and  prevent  e-       users  to  speculate  that
          announced  that  the  US            cigarettes  from  becoming          Melania  caught  Baron
          F o o d   a n d   D r u g           an  on-ramp  to  nicotine           vaping,  like  #KillStream
          Administration  would  be           addiction for a generation of       founder  Ethan  Ralph,  who
          putting  out  "some  very           youth," she concluded.              wrote,  "Barron  got  caught
          strong  recommendations"                                                with a Juul and now we can't
          in  "a  couple  of  weeks"            During a press conference         have Mint pods anymore."
          related  to  flavored  e-           discussing  the  dangers  of
          cigarette use (via CNN).            vaping, with Melania sitting          As of this writing, there has
                                              quietly  by  his  side,  Trump      been  neither  confirmation
           This potential ban follows         explained (via Vox reporter         nor  denial  of  Barron's
          multiple deaths due to lung         Aaron Rupar) that this issue        alleged vape use.
          diseases  thought  to  be           first  came  to  his  attention
          related to vaping, as well as       because "the First Lady got
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