Page 20 - Trump’s Time №1
P. 20

20                      FAMILY                                  Trump’s Time

          his skin with caviar, it should     Sometimes  later  the  same         the person you're with. And
          surprise exactly no one that        day  or  the  next  he  would       we know our roles. I didn't
          Melania Trump often refers          build something like he saw         want  him  to  change  the
          to  her  only  son  as  "little     or  imagine  something              diapers  or  put  Barron  to
          Donald" and "mini-Donald."          himself."                           bed. I love every minute of
          "He is a very strong-minded,                                            it.”
          very  special,  smart  boy,"          In  a  2013  interview  with
          Melania told Parenting (via         ABC  News,  Melania  again            But  that's  not  to  say  that
          R e d b o o k ) .   " H e   i s     referred to Barron as "mini-        Donald  Trump  wasn't  a
          i n d e p e n d e n t   a n d       Donald,"  which  if  we're          doting dad in his own way.
          opinionated  and  knows             being honest, has to sting a        Melania  also  said  that  he
          exactly  what  he  wants.           little for Barron's older half-     and Barron love to play golf,
          Sometimes  I  call  him  little     brother,  the  actual  Donald       eat  dinner  together  and
          Donald. He is a mixture of          Jr.                                 "enjoy family time" at Mar-a-
          us  in  looks,  but  his                                                Lago,  the  family's  Florida
          personality is why I call him                                           getaway.  Golf  actually
          little Donald.”                        Donald Trump didn't              comes  up  a  lot  when
                                               change Barron Trump's              Melania  is  asked  about
           "When he was 5 years old,                    diapers                   Donald's  relationship  with
          he wanted to be like daddy:                                             Barron,  like  in  this  2015
          a businessman and golfer,"            In that same interview with       People interview when she
          she  added  later  in  the          Parenting  (via  Redbook)           again said that the two men
          interview. "He loves to build       Melania Trump  said  of  her        in  her  life  "go  alone  for
          something and tear it down          husband, "He didn't change          dinner,  one-on-one"  and
          and  build  something  else.        diapers and I am completely         "play  golf  together."  Golf
          He  is  very  detailed  at          fine  with  that.  It  is  not      and dinner, huh? Sounds a
          drawing.  We  travel  often         important  to  me.  It's  all       bit more like the closing of a
          a n d   h e   r e m e m b e r s     about  what  works  for  you.       business deal than a loving
          everything  he  sees.               It's very important to know         father-son day.
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