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18 FAMILY Trump’s Time
Luckily for Barron, his dad fan, just went ahead and m u l t i p u r p o s e
has connections. According joined D.C. United — well, theater/assembly/lunch
to The Washington Post, the sort of. "The president's son space that features a stage
Major League Soccer team joined the club's U-12 team and light/sound booth; two
D.C. United visited The a n d d e v e l o p m e n t visual arts studios ... a
White House in April 2017 academy.” darkroom; two full-size
where they "presented basketball courts; a fitness
[Barron] with a black-and- room; a dance studio; and
red ball, signed by the Barron Trump attends St. two full turf fields for softball,
players and personalized Andrew's Episcopal baseball, lacrosse and
with a message welcoming School soccer." Not impressed?
him to Washington." There's more.
In the fall of 2017, Barron
Later, he went off and had T r u m p b e g a n h i s According to The 74, St.
"a pickup game" with m a t r i c u l a t i o n a t S t . Andrew's is "the only
several prominent team Andrew's Episcopal School school-based center for
members, including forward in Potomac, MD, which mind-brain-education
Patrick Mullins, who said he a c c o r d i n g t o T h e science in the country,"
was impressed with the Washington Post costs m e a n i n g p a r t o f i t s
young Trump's "passion" approximately $40,000 per curriculum is based on "a
and "knowledge" of the year. In addition to the r a p i d l y g r o w i n g
game. "It makes me feel s c h o o l ' s p r e s t i g i o u s multidisciplinary field that
good about kids growing up reputation — 100% of its aims to translate new
playing [soccer]," Mullins graduates go on to some d e v e l o p m e n t s i n
said. type of higher education — n e u r o s c i e n c e a n d
St. Andrew's has a range of psychology into better
By September 2017, CBS impressive facilities, classroom practices.”
Sports reported that Barron, including "a 14,000-volume,
who is actually an Arsenal two-story library ... a Sounds like we could