Page 14 - Trump’s Time №1
P. 14

14                      FAMILY                                  Trump’s Time

                    Things you didn't know

                          about Barron Trump

                          BY GILLIAN WALTERS AND TODD JACOBS | Zergnet

           Most of the Trump children           Since his father took office      with Barron Trump.
          have become well-known to           Barron  has  remained
          the  public  over  the  years,      largely  out  of  sight,  but
          but Barron Trump remains a          we've  managed  to  learn               Barron Trump is the
          family outlier.                     quite  a  bit  about  about          only child of Melania and
                                              America's  new  boy-prince.                Donald Trump
           The  youngest  son  of             For  starters,  his  pre-White
          President  Donald  Trump            House  living  situation  at          One thing about the 45th
          first captivated the eyes of        T r u m p   T o w e r   w a s       First Family to take note of is
          the  world  late  on  Election      unimaginably sweet.                 that  it  has  a  little  bit  more
          Night when he stood behind                                              sprawl  than  the  previous
          his father on the stage while         Oh, and his mother used           one,  owing  to  Donald
          victory was accepted.               to  moisturize  his  face  with     Trump's multiple children by
                                              caviar — but you probably           three wives. Barron Trump,
           Barron, of course, looked          could have guessed that.            the youngest of the clan, is
          more sleepy than jubilant on                                            but one branch of a family
          stage,  which  inadvertently          Ready to learn more about         tree  that  includes  Ivanka
          won over the cold hearts of         this  young  Simba-like             Trump,  Eric  Trump,  and
          an America that was mostly          figure?                             Donald  Trump  Jr.,  born  to
          happy  the  election  cycle                                             Donald's  first  wife,  Ivana
          was finally over.                     It's  time  we  get  familiar
                                                                                  Trump; as well as daughter
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