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Trump’s Time                                ELECTION FRAUD                                         3

          counted.  This  is  not  just       drastically changed election        disputed.  Dozens  of
          about honoring the votes of         procedures  just  months,           counties  in  the  key  swing
          74  million  Americans  who         and in some cases, weeks            states have more registered
          voted  for  me,  it's  about        before  the  election  on  the      voters on the rolls than they
          ensuring  that  Americans           3rd of November.                    have  voting  age  citizens,
          can  have  faith  in  this          President Donald Trump:             including  67  counties  in
          election  and  in  all  future      (03:45 )  Very  rarely  were        Michigan.  All  of  this  is
          elections.                                                              evidence. In Wisconsin, the
                                              legislatures  involved  and
          President Donald Trump:             constitutionally, they had to       state's  Board  of  Elections
          (02:12 )  Today  I  will  detail    be  involved,  but  very,  very     could  not  confirm  the
          some  of  the  shocking             rarely, and you'll see that as      residency  of  more  than
          irregularities,  abuses  and        we continue to file our suits,      100,000  people,  but
          fraud  that  had  been              i t ' s   c o n s t i t u t i o n a l l y,    repeatedly  refused  to
          revealed  in  recent  weeks         absolutely  incorrect  what         remove  those  names  from
          but before laying out just a        took  place,  even  from  a         its  voter  rolls  before  the
          small  portion  of  the             legal  standpoint.  Many            election.  They  knew  why,
          e v i d e n c e   w e   h a v e     states, such as Nevada and          nobody else did. I knew why.
          uncovered, and we have so           California  sent  millions  of      They were illegal voters. It is
          much  evidence,  I  want  to        live ballots to every person        a  travesty  that  in  the  year
          explain  the  corrupt  mail-in      on their voter rolls whether        2020, we do not have any
          balloting  scheme  that             those  individuals  had             means  of  verifying  the
          Democrats  systematically           requested  ballots  or  not,        eligibility of those who cast
          put  into  place  that  allowed     whether they were dead or           ballots  in  an  election  and
          voting  to  be  altered,            alive, they got ballots. Other      such an important election it
          especially  in  swing  states,      states  such  as  Minnesota,        is, or determining who they
          which they had to win. They         Michigan,  and  Wisconsin,          are, whether they live in the
          just didn't know that it was        i n s t i t u t e d   u n i v e r s a l    state  or  whether  they're
          going  to  be  that  tough,         absentee  balloting  right  in      even American citizens. We
          because we were leading in          the  middle  of  an  election       have no idea.
         every  swing  state  by  so          year,  sending  absentee            President Donald Trump:
         much, far greater than they          ballot requests forms to all        (06:21 )  We  have  an  in  all
         ever  thought  possible.             voters  on  all  rolls.  It  didn't   s w i n g   s t a t e s   m a j o r
         While  it  has  long  been           matter who they were. This          infractions or outright fraud,
         u n d e r s t o o d   t h a t   t h e    colossal expansion of mail-     which  is  far  more  in
         Democrat political machine           in  voting  opened  the  flood      numbers  or  votes  then  we
         engages in voter fraud from          gates to massive fraud. It's a      need to overturn the results
         Detroit  to  Philadelphia,  to       widely  known  fact  that  the      of a state. In other words, in
         Milwaukee,  Atlanta,  so             voting rolls are packed with        Wisconsin, as an example,
         many  other  places.  What           people who are not lawfully         where we were way up on
         changed this year was the            eligible  to  vote,  including      e l e c t i o n   n i g h t ,   t h e y
         Democrat party's relentless          those  who  are  deceased,          u l t i m a t e l y   h a d   u s
         push  to  print  and  mail  out      have  moved  out  of  their         miraculously  losing  by
         tens  of  millions  of  ballots      state,  and  even  our  non-        20,000  votes.  I  can  show
         sent to unknown recipients           citizens of our country.            you  right  here,  that
         with virtually no safeguards         President Donald Trump:             Wisconsin, we're leading by
         of  any  kind.  This  allowed        (05:05 )  Beyond  this,  the        a lot and then at 3:42 in the
         fraud and abuse to occur in          records  are  riddled  with         morning,  there  was  this,  it
         a scale never seen before.           errors,  wrong  addresses,          was  a  massive  dump  of
         Using  the  pandemic  as  a          duplicate entries, and many         votes, mostly Biden, almost
         p r e t e x t ,   D e m o c r a t    other  issues.  This  is  not       all  Biden.  To  this  day,
         politicians  and  judges                                                 everyone's  trying  to  figure
                                              disputed. It has never been
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