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Trump’s Time                                ELECTION FRAUD                                         5

          When  they  did  show  up,          States,  Dominion  is  a            thousands  of  absentee
          they  said,  “Sorry,  you've        d i s a s t e r .   E l e c t i o n    b a l l o t s   h a v e   b e e n
          already voted.”                     authorities  in  Texas  have        requested. You check it out
                                              repeatedly  blocked  the            who's  requesting  those
          President Donald Trump:
          (10:07 ) On top of everything       deployment  of  Dominion            ballots. The difference is, it's
          else,  we  have  a  company         systems  due  to  concerns          one state, and we will have
          that's  very  suspect.  It's        a b o u t   s e c u r i t y         our eyes on it like nobody's
          name is Dominion, with the          vulnerabilities  and  the           ever  watched  anything
          turn of a dial or the change        potential  for  errors  and         before, because we have to
          of a chip, you could press a        outright fraud. Every district      win those two Senate seats.
          button  for  Trump  and  the        t h a t   u s e s   D o m i n i o n    The  tremendous  success
          vote  goes  to  Biden.  What        systems  must  be  carefully        we  had  in  the  House  of
          kind of a system is this? We        monitored  and  carefully           Representatives,  and  the
          have to go to paper, maybe          investigated, but not only for      tremendous success we've
          it takes longer. But the only       the future.                         had  so  far  in  the  Senate,
          secure system is paper. Not         President Donald Trump:             unexpected  success  all
          these systems that nobody           (12:01 )  Right  now,  we're        over  the  country,  and  right
          understands,  including  in         worried  about  the  present,       here in Washington.
          many cases, the people that         and  what  went  on  with  an       President Donald Trump:
          run  them.  Although,               election that we won without        (13:55 )  It  is  statistically
          unfortunately,  I  think  they      question.  Under  my  lead,         impossible that the person,
          understand  them  far  too          the  Republicans  won               me, that led the charge lost.
          well.                               almost every state house in         The  greatest  pollsters,  the
                                              the  United  States,  which         real pollsters, not the ones
          President Donald Trump:
          (10:46 )  In  one  Michigan         they weren't expected to do.        that had us down 17 points
          County, as an example, that         We went up to 16 seats in           in  Wisconsin  when  we
          used  Dominion  systems,            the house. The numbers are          actually  won,  or  the  ones
          they found that nearly 6,000        still  being  tabulated,            that had us down four or five
         votes  had  been  wrongly            because  there  are  nine           points  in  Florida,  and  we
         switched  from  Trump  to            seats  that  nobody  really         won by many points, or had
         Biden, and this is just the tip      knows.  They  don't  know.          us even, and down in Texas,
         of the iceberg. This is what         Two  weeks  later,  it's  still     and  we  won  by  a  lot,  not
         we caught. How many didn't           under  consideration,               those  pollsters,  but  real
         we catch? Are there 100s of          because  it's  a  mess.             pollsters. Pollsters that are
         other examples throughout            R e p u b l i c a n s   w e r e     fair,  and  honest  said,  “We
         the  country?  Are  there            supposed  to  lose  many            can't understand a thing like
         1000s?  We  just  got  lucky         seats, and instead they won         this.  It's  never  happened
         and  they  called  it  a  glitch,    those  seats  in  the  house,       before. You led the country
         but  we  found  numerous             and  a  very  important             to victory, and you were the
         glitches  that  evening.  96%        election  that's  coming  up        only  one  that was lost. It's
         of  the  company's  political        will  determine  whether,  or       not possible.”
         d o n a t i o n s   w e n t   t o    not we hold the Senate.             President Donald Trump:
         Democrats, not surprisingly.         President Donald Trump:             (14:43 ) The speaker of the
         Frankly,  when  you  look  at        (12:59 )  David  Perdue  and        house  of  a  certain  state
         who's running the company,           Kelly  Leffler  are  two            said, “Sir, I expected to lose
         who's in charge, who owns            t r e m e n d o u s   p e o p l e .    my  seat,  and  instead,
         it,  which  we  don't  know,         Unfortunately,  in  Georgia,        because  of  you,  and
         where  are  the  votes               they're  using  the  same           because  of  that  incredible
         counted?  Which  we  think           horrible  dominion  system,         charge,  and  all  of  those
         are  counted  in  foreign            and  it's  already  been  out       r a l l i e s ,   w e   h a d   a
         countries, not in the United         that, think of it, hundreds of      tremendous  victory,  and
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