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6 ELECTION FRAUD                                                 Trump’s Time

          everybody knows it. You are         morning,  unexpectedly              the  signatures.  Otherwise,
          much  more  popular  than           came  in.  In  the  recent          they're  just  checking  the
          me,  sir,  except  I  got  many     recount  in  Georgia,  which        same  dishonest  thing.  It
          more  votes  than  you  did,        means  nothing  because             won't matter.
          and it's impossible that that       they  don't  want  to  check        President Donald Trump:
          h a p p e n e d .   T h e r e   i s    signatures, and if you're not    (17:22 )  In  this  case,  the
          something  wrong.”  I'll  tell      going to check signatures in        signatures  on  envelopes
          you  what's  wrong,  voter          Georgia, it doesn't work, but       are  the  only  thing  that  is
          fraud.  Here's  an  example.        we  have  a  secretary  of          relevant.  We  will  compare
          This is Michigan. At 6:31 in        state,  and  a  governor  who       the  signature  on  the
          the morning, a vote dump of         made  it  very  difficult  to       envelope to the signatures
          149,772  votes  came  in            check signatures.                   from past elections, and we
          unexpectedly.  We  were             President Donald Trump:             w i l l   f i n d   t h a t   m a n y
          winning by a lot. That batch        (16:41 ) Why? You'll have to        thousands of people signed
          was received in horror.
                                              ask  them,  but  without  a         these  ballots  illegally.  The
          President Donald Trump:             signature match, or a check,        Democrats had this election
          (15:44 )  Nobody  knows             it doesn't matter. They found       rigged  right  from  the
          anything  about  it.  By  the       thousands  and  thousands           beginning.  They  used  the
          way, there's your line. This is     of  votes  that  were  out  of      pandemic,  sometimes
          one of many. Here's what is         whack, all against me. This         referred  to  as  the  China
          normal, and all of a sudden,        was during a recount that I         virus, where it originated as
          look at that. This is normal,       didn't  even  think  mattered.      an excuse to mail out tens of
          normal.  Look  even  here,          T h e y   f o u n d   m a n y       millions  of  ballots,  which
          normal, and then boom, all          thousands of votes, and that        ultimately led to a big part of
          of  a  sudden,  I  go  from         recount  didn't  matter.  The       the  fraud,  a  fraud  that  the
          winning by a lot to losing a        one that matters is the one         whole  world  is  watching,
          tight  race.  It's  corrupt.        that's  going  on  now,  that       and there is no one happier
          Detroit is corrupt. I have a lot    because  of  the  fact  it's  so    right now than China.
          of  friends  in  Detroit.  They     close,  they  had  to  by  law      President Donald Trump:
          know it, but Detroit is totally     give  another  recount,  but        (18:10   )  Many  people
          corrupt. Look at this, look at      the  recount  has  to  be  a        received two, three and four
          this.  That's  at  6:31  in  the    recount  where  they  check
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