Page 7 - Journal_2
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ballots. They were sent to appropriate. When those voters and stuffing ballot
dead people by the votes are corrupt, when boxes are the same people
thousands. In fact, dead they're irregular, when they who have perpetrated one
people, and we have many g e t c a u g h t , t h e y ' r e phony and fraudulent hoax
examples filled out ballots, terminated, and I very easily after another. You've been
made applications, and win. In all states, I very watching it now for four
then, voted, which is even easily win, the swing states, years. These entrenched
worse. In other words, dead just like I won them at 10 interests oppose our
people went through a o'clock in the evening, the movement, because we put
process. Some have been evening of the election. America first. They don't put
dead for 25 years. Millions We're not looking to show America first, and we're
of votes were cast illegally in you 25 faulty or fraudulent returning power to you the
the swing states alone, and votes, which don't mean American people. They
if that's the case, the results anything, because it doesn't don't want America first,
of the individual swing overturn the state, or a fifty, they only want power for
states must be overturned, or a hundred. We're themselves. They want to
a n d o v e r t u r n e d showing you hundreds of make money, that's why
immediately. Some people thousands far more than we they don't want me as your
say that's too far out, that's need, far more than the president. I've been
too harsh. Well, does that margin, far more than the investigated from soon after
mean we take a precedent, law requires. We can show I announced I was running
and we've just elected a many times what is for president. When I
president where the votes necessary to win the state. immediately went to
were fraudulent? n u m b e r o n e i n t h e
President Donald Trump:
President Donald Trump: (20:34 ) The media knows Republican primary polls,
(19:01 ) No, it means you this, but they don't want to the investigations never
have to turn over the report it. In fact, they stopped. They went on for
election, and everybody outright refuse to even four years, and I won them
knows without going much cover it, because they know all, I beat them all. Russia,
further, and they've seen the the result if they do. Even R u s s i a , R u s s i a , t h e
evidence, but they don't what I'm saying now will be impeachment hoax, and so
want to talk about it what a demeaned and disparaged, much more. Robert Mueller
disaster this election was, a but that's okay. I just keep spent $48 million of
total catastrophe, but we're on going forward, because t a x p a y e r m o n e y
going to show it, and I'm representing 74 million investigating me for two and
hopefully, the courts in people, and in fact, I'm also a half years, issued over
particular, the Supreme representing all of the 2,800 subpoenas, executed
Court of the United States people that didn't vote for nearly 500 search warrants,
will see it, and respectfully, me. The mail-in voting scam issued 230 orders for
hopefully, they will do what's is the latest part of their four communications records,
right for our country, year effort to overturn the and conducted 500 witness
because our country can results of the 2016 election, interviews, all looking to
not live with this kind of an and it's been like living in take me down. There was
election. We could say, let's hell. Our opponents have no collusion in the end,
go on to the next one, but proven many times again none whatsoever. Senator
no, we have to look also at and again, that they will say, Marco Rubio, the head of
our past. We can't let this and do anything to get back the Senate Intelligence
happen. into power. Committee stated, “The
c o m m i t t e e f o u n d n o
President Donald Trump: President Donald Trump: e v i d e n c e t h a t t h e n
(19:43 ) Maybe you'll have a (21:28 ) The corrupt forces candidate Donald Trump, or
revote, but I don't think that's who are registering dead his campaign colluded with