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out, “Where did it come 200,000 discrepancies or (09:03 ) They didn't know
from?” But I went from fraudulent votes, and that what to do. They had no one
leading by a lot, to losing by includes votes that went to complain to, most just left
a little and that's right here. through when they were not and said, “That's strange.”
That's at 3:42 in the allowed to be seen by B u t m a n y p e o p l e
morning, that's Wisconsin, a Republican poll watchers, c o m p l a i n e d a n d
terrible thing, terrible, because the poll watchers complained vehemently,
terrible thing. were locked out of the and in a lot of cases, they
building. Or people that filled out a provisional ballot,
President Donald Trump:
(07:33 ) But we will have far innocently came to vote on which was almost never
more, many times more November 3rd, who were all used, but in virtually every
than the 20,000 votes excited about their vote, case was a vote for Trump.
needed to overturn the they were happy. They were In other words, they went in
state. If we are right about proud to be citizens of the to vote and they were told
the fraud, Joe Biden can't be United States of America, that they voted and they
president. We're talking and they went up and they didn't vote. They left and
a b o u t h u n d r e d s o f said, “I'd like to vote.” They they felt horror and they lost
thousands of votes. We're were told that they can't respect for our system. This
talking about numbers like vote. “I'm sorry,” they were h a p p e n e d t e n s o f
nobody has ever seen told, “I'm sorry. You've thousands of times all over
before. Just as an example, already voted by mail-in the country. That's how
in certain states, we'll be ballot. Congratulations. We desperate the Democrats
down by, let's say, 7,000 received a ballot, so you can were. They would fill out
votes, but we'll find later on no longer vote.” ballots of people not even
20,000, 50,000, 100,00, President Donald Trump: knowing if these people
were going to show up.