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the Russian government.” Donald Trump are coming them. Why aren't they
And, I thank Senator Rubio to an end.” And all it's been active? Why aren't they
for that statement. is a big investigation in involved? There's so much
Washington and New York to be involved in. The
President Donald Trump:
(23:22 ) Now, I hear that and any place else that can corruption is so rampant.
these same people that investigate because that's They just couldn't take it
failed to get me in what they want to do. They anymore. They were
Washington have sent want to take not me, but us threatened by Democrats
every piece of information to down. Then we can never with impeachment and
New York, so that they can let them do that. Everything horrible things were said
try to get me there. It's all has been looked at. A friend about them. And they're
been gone over, over and of mine, who's very smart, good people. Even recently,
over again. For $48 million said, “You've probably seen the head of the GSA was
you go through tax returns, more than anybody else. hounded and harassed as
you go through everything. You've probably been she reported, like she has
The New York attorney investigated more than never been before. What
general, who recently ran anybody else. And for you to can I say? We caught
for office campaigned come out with a clean bill of Comey cold, we caught
without knowing me stating, health makes you probably McCabe cold. We caught
“We will join with law the cleanest person in this them all. We're still waiting
enforcement and other country.” for a report from a man
attorneys general across President Donald Trump: named Durham, who I have
this nation in removing this (24:48 ) Some people in this never spoken to, and I have
president from office.” I a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , b u t never met. They can go
never met her. fortunately not all have been after me before the election
b e a t e n d o w n a n d as much as they want, but
President Donald Trump: unfortunately Mr. Durham
(24:03 ) “It's important that disparaged. They just didn't want to go after these
everybody understands”, disappeared. Nobody people, or have anything to
she said, “that the days of knows what happened to do with going after them