Page 221 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 221

Y ou’ll Never Get Rich by  Y ourself

                         Don ’ t believe me? Then it ’ s time for you to do a time audit. You
                   should take a solid week and mark down everything you do in your
                   waking hours. Just fold up a sheet of paper in your pocket and put
                   down a series of simple rows that give the ending time, minutes since
                   your last entry, and activity.
                         One entry might read:  9:14 A.M. 14. Read newspaper.

                         The next entry will be:  9:40 A.M. 26. On   looking for deals.

                         The first day or two, you ’ ll forget to write down much of your day.

                   But stick with it! You simply must know exactly where your time goes
                   over the course of a week. Do not be selective in putting down only
                   the high - payoff activities. We ’ re looking for the low ones, too. Also do
                   not cheat and try to remember at the end of the day what you did. It
                   simply will not be accurate.
                         I think I know what you ’ ll discover: You will spend a small amount
                   of time on things that only you can and should do — talking with the
                   mortgage broker, writing up an offer, or solving a vexing problem. You
                   will be depressed when you identify a large group of activities that
                   someone else could do, even if not quite as well as you can.
                         That ’ s what you need to delegate as soon as possible to this person.

                   After I got my first assistant, my business soared. I had free time to do
                   more marketing, see more properties, and create more relationships.
                   Because now I could do more rainmaking tasks — which I loved to
                   do — I was on an upward spiral of growing my business and creating
                   more streams of monthly cash.
                         You don ’ t need to hire a  headhunter  to fi nd these people. First get
                   the word out among people you know that you need a part - time or
                   full - time person. Also consider putting a notice on ,
                   which is a great community bulletin board.

                       The Marketer

                     The second person I put on my home team would stuff and stamp
                   envelopes for me so that I could get them out to motivated sellers.
                         When this person came on my team, I fi nally had a constant fl ow
                   of letters going out the door weekly. Soon my phone rang consistently.


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