Page 281 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 281


                   Property management fi rms          negotiating with broker, 100–102
                     assessing quality of reports from,   negotiating with seller, 94–100
                       186–187                        tips for negotiating, 95–96
                     attitude of, 155–156
                     collections and, 154            Quick deals, avoiding, 112
                     fit with property, 216–218

                     giving up control and, 227–229  Rapport, building during negotiation,
                     loan application package and,      103
                       171–172                       Real estate brokers
                     local ordinances and, 128        deal analysis and, 140–141
                     Monday Morning Report of, 157,   on deal team, 202–204
                       225–226                        making offer through, 102
                     occupancy and, 154–155           negotiating directly with, 100–102
                     property management agreement,   property managers and, 216
                       223–224                        resale and, 238–240
                     on property team, 208–209        selecting for resale, 240–243
                     reports expected from, 220, 224–227  as source of deals, 53–54
                     roles of, 213–216                tips for negotiating with, 103–111
                     selecting of, 135, 218–222       types of listings, 246–247
                     as time multiplier, 212–229     Real estate investment clubs, as source of
                   Property ownership associations, as   deals, 40, 55
                       source of deals, 54–55        Reciprocity, law of, 191–192
                   Property survey, due diligence and, 91,   Recourse loans, 168
                       123–124                       References, asking property manager
                   Property tax bills, reviewing seller’s   for, 221–222
                         during due diligence, 119   Relocations, market cycles and, 32
                   Property team, 208–211            Renegotiation
                     contractors, 209–210             after financial due diligence,

                     maintenance specialist, 210–211    121–122
                     property inspector, 210          after physical due diligence, 126
                     property manager, 208–209       Rent roll
         , 203              deal analysis and, 68
                   Psychological barriers, to selling   due diligence and, 117–118
                         commercial real estate, 2–3  matching security deposit statements
                   Purchase and sale agreement (P&S)    to, 119
                     assumption of existing debt and, 173  in property manager’s report, 226
                     in loan application package, 171  Rents
                     updated financial statements and, 69  checking creditworthiness of renters, 75

                     value of attorney to, 110        property manager and collection and
                   Purchase price                       deposit of, 213–214
                     deposit as percentage of, 111    raising before resale, 236
                     in letter of intent, 88–90       raising to increase cash fl ow, 12
                     negotiating tips, 95–96          raising to reposition property, 13
                   Purchase procedures               Repair allowance, in letter of intent,
                     letter of intent, 87–94            88–89
                     negotiating techniques, 103–111  Replacement reserves, 76


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