Page 282 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 282


                   Repositioning, of property        Ruling for Doing Business with Just
                     deal analysis and, 78–79           About Anyone, 48–50
                     local banks and, 163
                     as value play, 12–13            School districts, as market indicator, 35
                   Reputation, cultivating good, 48–50,   Second mortgage
                       109–110, 130, 188–189          letter of intent and, 89–90
                   Resale, 230–231                    as one possible offer, 107, 108
                     closing and, 250–252             resale and, 247
                     due diligence period and, 249–250  Security deposit account statements,
                     knowing when to sell, 231–235      reviewing seller’s during due
                     listing agreement and, 243–245       diligence, 119
                     preparing financials for, 236–238  Sellers

                     preparing property for, 235–236  learning to recognize motivated,
                     property managers and, 222         42–44, 99
                     property-information package, 238  learning to talk to, 40
                     real estate broker selection and,   making life easier for, 48–49
                       240–243                        negotiating directly with, 90, 94–100
                     real estate brokers and, 238–240  tips for negotiating with, 103–111
                     researching of buyer, 247–249   Seller’s agency agreement, 244
                     types of listings, 246–247      Seller’s market, phases of, 22–23
                   Reserve account, in property      SEP accounts, investing with, 174
                         management agreement, 223   Service agreements, due diligence and
                   Response rates, to direct mail, 44–45  seller’s, 91, 119–120
                   Resume, personal, in loan application   Shavel, Mark, 189
                       package, 170–171              Shopping center, sample deal analysis
                   Revitalization zones                 for, 82–84
                     buyer’s market and, 19          Short sales, 59
                     cautions about, 73              Silent treatment, in negotiations, 103, 106
                   Risk management, 138–139          Single-family homes

                     avoiding common causes of deal   lack of cash flow from, 7
                         failure, 149–153, 154–156    risk and, 8
                     avoiding fear and desperation,   Single-net lease, 76
                       145–148                       Site inspection, due diligence and,
                     debt service and, 153–154          122–123
                     delegation and, 156–157         Site plans and specifications review, due

                     diversification and, 159–160        diligence and, 123
                     knowing place in real estate cycle,   Skill multipliers
                       148–149                        characteristics of successful businesses,
                     looking at lots of deals, 139–141  198–199
                     making offers regularly, 139–141,   deal team, 202–205
                       190–191                        delegation and, 196–197
                     recognizing bad deal early, 142–145  home team, 200–202
                     starting and stumbling and, 184–185  money team, 205–208
                     types of risk and, 158–159       property team, 208–211
                   Romeo, James, 8                   Small Business Administration (SBA)
                   Roth IRAs, investing with, 174       loans, 166


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