Page 283 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 283
Small moves, in negotiation, 106–107 Thinking big, starting small, 7–8
Spending authority, in property Third party, assigning contract to, 93
management agreement, 223 Time, making to research deals, 38–41
Splitting the difference, avoiding, Time frame, in letter of intent, 90–91
106–107 Time multipliers, 212–229
Stabilized occupancy, 166 assistant and, 200–201
Starting small, thinking big, 7–8 giving up control and, 227–229
“Stick campaign,” 120–121 interview of management company,
Straight options, 175–176 218–222
Strike price, 96 property management agreement,
Subcontractors 223–224
paying promptly, 189 property management reports,
property managers and, 221 224–227
Subordinated debt, 89–90 property manager’s fi t with property,
Supply 216–218
buyer’s market and, 17–21 property manager’s roles, 213–216
drivers of, 26–27 Time on market
Supply and tool inventory, due diligence bad deal recognition and, 145
and, 124 seller’s market and, 22–23
Sympathy, displaying during Title
negotiation, 100 due diligence and, 91, 111, 127
Syndication, 176, 180 letter of intent and, 93
System Title attorney, 204
cash flow cushion and, 7 Title insurance, 133
importance to making deals, 50–52 Tool and supply inventory, due diligence
risk and, 8 and, 124
Traffic count, as market indicator,
“Taking back paper,” 174 33–34
Tax issues Traffi c fl ow
abatements and market cycles, 31 as component of value, 72
reviewing property tax bills, 91, 119 as market indicator, 35, 152–153
1031 exchanges, 14–15 Triple-net lease, 75–76
verifying taxes before purchase, 74 Trump, Donald
Teams, as skill multipliers on always looking for deals, 60
deal team, 202–205 investors and, 182
home team, 200–202 options and, 175
money team, 205–208 on thinking big, 7
property team, 208–211 Trust, building during negotiation, 100
1031 exchanges, 14–15
Tenant-in-common (TIC), 181 Underpromising and overdelivering, 100
Tenants Unemployment. See Employment,
ownership change and, 136 market cycles and
repositioning with, 13 Universities, laid off workers and market
Tenants at will, 74 cycles, 33
Term, of listing agreement, 243 Unmotivated sellers, learning to
Term sheet, of lender, 111, 168–169 recognize, 42–43
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