Page 15 - Trump’s Time №1
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Trump’s Time                                            FAMILY                                 15

          Tiffany  Trump,  born  to           around $45,000.                     as possible.
          Donald's second wife, Marla
          Maples.                                                                   And  he's  enjoying  his
                                                Melania  Trump  intends           school and his sports. He's
           As  for  Barron,  who  was         to keep Barron Trump out            a  great  athlete.  And  I  just
          born  on  March  20,  2006,         of the spotlight                    want to have him — out of
          he's the only child of Donald                                           the spotlight for now."
          and Melania Knauss Trump,             Since  Barron  Trump's
          who  were  married  about  a        official  appearances  have           That  plan  seems  to  be
          year prior to Barron's birth,       been  limited  to  traditional      firmly  in  place,  as  of  this
          in January 2005.                    first  family  events  like         writing,  at  least,  according
                                              Inauguration Day festivities        t o   t h e   W a s h i n g t o n
           Barron lived with his mom          and the White House Easter          Examiner which reported in
          in  their  Trump  Tower             Egg  Roll,  it  seems  like         December 2018 that Barron
          penthouse on Fifth Avenue           Donald and Melania Trump            "rarely  appears  in  public
          in New York City, while dad         intend  to  uphold  the             with his parents."
          moved into the White House          tradition of keeping kids of
          after assuming his new role         first  families  mostly  out  of      Speaking with Fox News'
          as  POTUS,  according  to           the public eye.                     Sean  Hannity  around  the
          NBC News.                                                               same  time,  Melania  said
                                                In  an  October  2016             that  even  though  Barron
           However,  Barron  and  his         interview  with  ABC  News,         isn't  living  "a  normal  life"
          mom did join dear old dad in        Melania  actually  spelled  it      since  the  family's  move  to
          D.C. after he finished out his      out. "I teach him, I explain to     Washington  D.C.,  he  is
          year at the prestigious and         him  so  he  knows  what's          "enjoying" it there.
          very-expensive  Columbia            going  on,"  she  said.  "He's
          Grammar  and  Preparatory           taking very well. I keep him          She also said her efforts to
          School,  which  had  a              balanced  and  —  just  have        "protect"  him  from  public
          reported yearly price tag of        him a childhood as normal           scrutiny  are  required  to
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