Page 17 - Trump’s Time №1
P. 17

Trump’s Time                                            FAMILY                                 17

          insisted they did not use a         knows  what  the  heck  is          Behar Show, Melania said,
          nanny to help raise Barron          going on?                           " B a r r o n   s p e a k s   t w o
          Trump. "I like to be hands-                                             languages  completely
          on,"  Melania  told  the            Barron Trump is fluent in           perfect.  He  goes  from  one
          magazine.  "I  think  it's  very          two languages                 t h i n g   t o   a n o t h e r ,
          important. Barron is 9 years                                            Slovenian/English."  What
          old. He needs somebody as             Although  he  reportedly          happened to French? Was
          a parent there, so I am with        takes after his father, Barron      he just not fluent enough to
          him  all  the  time.  As  you       Trump has also inherited his        mention it yet? Does Barron
          know  my  husband  is               mother's  roots  as  well.          Trump own a beret? These
          traveling all the time.”            According  to  a  2016              are  questions  of  national
                                              i n t e r v i e w   w i t h   G Q    importance  that  need  an
           Days  after  the  interview        magazine,  Melania  Trump           answer.
          was  published,  Donald,  in        revealed  that  Barron
          true form, told the New York        "speaks Slovenian fluently."
          Post that there was, in fact,       In  fact,  he  speaks  the            'A very natural athlete’
          a  "young  woman"  who              l a n g u a g e   w i t h   h i s
          "works with Barron." Still, to      grandparents,  who  lived             Barron  Trump  may  be
          this  day,  reports  describe       near  Trump  Tower,  at  the        headed for a future among
          Melania  as  being  "really         time of the interview.              the top athletes of the world
          devoted"  to  her  son;  a                                              —  that  is,  if  you  take  his
          source  told  the  Post  in           M e l a n i a   a l s o   o n c e    dad's  word  for  it.  When
          November  2016  that                bragged to People in 2009           Barron was nine years old,
          Melania  is  often  seen            that at just three-years-old,       Donald  Trump  told  People
          picking  up  Barron  from           Barron  was  also  speaking         that his youngest born was
          school.  That  same  source         French  in  addition  to            "a very natural athlete" even
          also  claimed  that  Melania        Slovenian and English. But          though he was only "at that
          had not relied on nannies to        two  years  later,  during  an      age where he's just starting
          help raise her kid. So, who         appearance  on  The  Joy            to learn.”
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