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before the election. So who understand how we will voter ID. And citizenship
knows if he is ever going to challenge this fraud, it is confirmation was almost
even do a report. important to know the unthought of that we should
problems with mail-in ask for it. Can you believe
President Donald Trump:
(26:11 ) But if you look at the balloting. Pennsylvania, this? These are not the
lies, and the leaks, and the M i c h i g a n , N e v a d a , actions of people who want
illegal acts of behavior done Georgia, Arizona, and most fair elections. These are the
by so many people, and other states allowed anyone actions of people who want
their desire to hurt the to get an absentee ballot to steal elections, who are
president of the United and cast their vote without willing to create fraud. The
States, something should showing any ID. The voting only conceivable reason
happen. The hardest thing I took place entirely on the why you would block
have to do is explain why h o n o r s y s t e m , n o common sense measures
nothing is happening with all identification of any kind to verify legal eligibility for
of these people that got was required. voting, is you are trying to
caught spying on my President Donald Trump: encourage, enable, solicit,
campaign. It's never (28:11 ) Most Americans or carry out fraud.
happened before and it would also be shocked to President Donald Trump:
should never happen again learn that no state in the (29:47 ) It is important for
to a president of the United country verifies United Americans to understand
States. All you have to do is States citizenship as a that these destructive
watch the hearings and see condition for voting in changes to our election
for yourself. The evidence is federal elections. This is a laws were not a necessary
overwhelming. The fraud national disgrace. No other response to the pandemic.
that we've collected in advanced country conducts The pandemic simply gave
r e c e n t w e e k s i s elections this way. Many the Democrats an excuse to
overwhelming, having to do European countries have do what they have been
with our election. Everyone instituted major restrictions trying to do for many, many
is saying, ” Wow, the o n m a i l - i n v o t i n g , years. In fact, the very first
evidence is overwhelming”, specifically, because they bill that house Democrats
when they get to see it. But recognize the nearly introduced when Nancy
really it's too late to change unlimited potential for fraud. Pelosi became speaker,
the course of an election. It's Out of 42 European nations, was it attempt to mandate
too late to change the all but two prohibit absentee universal mail-in voting and
outcome. ballots entirely for people eliminate measures such as
who reside inside the voter ID, which is so
President Donald Trump:
(27:11 ) In fact, there is still country, or else they require necessary. Dramatically
plenty of time to certify the those who need absentee eroding the integrity of our
correct winner of the ballots to show a very, very e l e c t i o n s w a s t h e
election and that's what powerful ID. Democrats number one
we're fighting to do. But no President Donald Trump: priority for a simple reason,
matter when it happens, (28:54 ) Throughout the they wanted to steal the
when they see fraud, when D e m o c r a t e f f o r t t o 2020 presidential election.
they see false votes and dramatically expand mail-in All of the Democrat efforts to
when those votes number voting, the Democrat party expand mail-in balloting laid
far more than is necessary, l e a d e r s w e r e a l s o , the groundwork for the
you can't let another person feverishly working to block systematic and pervasive
steal that election from you. measures, designed to fraud that occurred in this
All over the country, people protect against fraud, such election.
are together in holding up as signature verification, President Donald Trump:
signs, “Stop the steal.” To residency verification, or (30:41 ) In Pennsylvania,